Micah Blog

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.

Square Root of A Number -- Binary Search

Binary Search

Topic LeetCode 69: Sqrt(x) Idea x^2 = a can change to x^2-a = 0 question. The question to get the square root of the number a can convert to the question that to find a number x to make ...

rm -rf shell script practice

shell script

Topic Just a simple example for practice Idea input a full path, rm the specific file or folder Program #!/bin/ksh # PURPOSE # # This script will remove the specific fi...

HourRank 31 Save the Queen -- Binary Search

Binary Search

Topic HourRank 31: Save The Queen Details The kingdom of Zokoria is under attack! The invaders wish to capture the Queen and conquer Zokoria. Aware of the danger, Heldorf , the captain of th...

Insert A Node in A Sorted Doubly Linked List

Doubly Linked List

Topic Hackerrank Linked Lists: Inserting A Node Into Doubly Linked List Idea C++ solution. Doubly Linked List Basic Usage. Need to consider both previous and next nodes when insert a node...

Oracle Database PLSQL Fundamentals

Basic Stucture and Flow

Common Abbreviations Global SGA: System Global Area PGA: Program Global Area Database Language DML: data manipulation language (insert, delete, update, select) ...

Josephus Problem

Linked List and Recursion

Topic In computer science and mathematics, the Josephus Problem (or Josephus permutation) is a theoretical problem. Following is the problem statement: There are n people standing in a circle wai...

Palindrome Linked List

Slow and Fast Pointer

Topic Leetcode: Palindrome Linked List Idea C++ solution. Use slow and fast pointer, during the traversal: slow pointer takes one step and fast takes two steps slow pointer reverse its n...

Linked List Detect A Cycle

Slow and Fast Pointer

Topic Hackerrank Linked Lists: Detect A Cycle Idea C++ solution. Use slow and fast pointer, during the traversal, slow pointer takes one step and fast takes two steps. If there is a cyc...

从一道网易面试题浅谈 Tagged Pointer

浅谈 Tagged Pointer

前言 这篇博客九月就想写了,因为赶项目拖了到现在,抓住17年尾巴写吧~ 正文 上次看了一篇 《从一道网易面试题浅谈OC线程安全》 的博客,主要内容是: 作者去网易面试,面试官出了一道面试题:下面代码会发生什么问题? @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *target; //.... dispatch_queue_t queue = disp...

为博客添加 Gitalk 评论插件

BY Blog 添加 Gitalk 的评论插件了

前言 由于 Disqus 对于国内网路的支持十分糟糕,很多人反映 Disqus 评论插件一直加载不出来。而我一直是处于翻墙状态的~(话说你们做程序员的都不翻墙用Google的吗😅,哈哈,吐嘈下) 针对这个问题,我添加了Gitalk 评论插件。在此,非常感谢 @FeDemo 的推荐 。 正文 Gitalk 评论插件 首先来看看 Gitalk 的界面和功能: gitalk 使用 ...